Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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Text File
1,526 lines
(Version 4.2)
Program and Documentation
■1991 by
WR Software
P.O. Box 4819
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Tel. (415) 930-0369
Registration: $25 (Visa/MC)
Permission hereby granted to make exact
copies of program diskettes for
shareware distribution
Effective: April 23, 1991
Welcome to NAMES & DATES■. This program is a combination address
book, mailing list manager, and date reminder system. It will
store an unlimited number of names, depending only on the amount of
disk storage you have available. You can group your names into
categories to keep track of clients, club members, pizza places, or
any other grouping that is important to you. Each name can be
associated with any number of "date reminders," such as birthdays,
appointments, etc. You can also have an unlimited number of
general "date reminders" that are not associated with names (for
holidays, etc.).
NAMES & DATES■ has unusually large areas for name and address
information. The flexible address format is designed for U.S. and
Canadian addresses, but works for addresses of almost all
countries. The "notes" area for each name record will scroll to
eight full lines, yet no disk storage is used if "notes" are not
entered. The mail merge facility has optional salutations, which
can have default or custom greeting options.
The program prints mailing labels (laser labels too), address
books, Rolodex cards, envelope addresses (with optional return
address), variable size labels, and a variety of "page size"
reports. There is also duplicate name search, file import/export,
mass date add/delete, sort by name and Zip Code, and "hot key"
printing for individual labels and envelopes. The screen Calendar
function displays any month you choose, with "date reminders"
highlighted, and date details available. Printed calendar pages,
similar to a monthly wall calendar, are personalized with your date
Best of all, the program is quite easy to use. It is "menu-driven"
so choices are made from a list of options. Context sensitive
"help" messages are displayed whenever you press the F1 function
key. In addition, the bottom of each display window lists the
commands and function keys that can be used.
Shareware Registration
NAMES & DATES■ is a shareware program, so we encourage you to try
it out and make copies for friends. If you like the program and
continue to use it, we ask that you become a registered user.
Registration costs $25 and includes printed documentation, one free
program upgrade on disk, vinyl address book cover, program support
by telephone or mail, and notification of future program upgrades.
You can print an Order Form from the Names & Dates diskette by
typing ORDER at the DOS prompt. To register, please send U.S. $25
check or money order (sorry, no credit cards) to:
WR Software
P.O. Box 4819
Walnut Creek, CA 94596 U.S.A.
Setting Up Disk Files
To use this program you will need DOS 2.1 (or later), and at least
512K RAM computer memory. If you have a hard drive, you can use
the INSTALL procedure. This will create a directory \ND on your C:
drive, and then copy the diskette(s) to this directory (other
directory names or drives are fine, but you'll have to do it "by
hand"). The INSTALL also copies CONFIG.SYS to your root directory,
if you don't have that file already. If CONFIG.SYS is already on
your system, INSTALL won't change it, but you need to make sure
that it has at least FILES=20 and BUFFERS=16 statements (larger
numbers are OK too, like FILES=25).
To use INSTALL, first place the NAMES & DATES diskette in your A:
drive, then type "A:INSTALL" and press <Enter> at the DOS prompt.
After finishing with INSTALL, "re-boot" your system (Ctrl-Alt-Del)
to incorporate the new CONFIG.SYS file (Note: the re-boot is needed
just this first time).
Users without a hard drive will need to copy the CONFIG.SYS file
from NAMES & DATES to the DOS diskette used when the computer is
turned on. Next, re-boot your system (Ctrl-Alt-Del), just this
once, to load CONFIG.SYS (Note: see above if you already have
CONFIG.SYS on your DOS diskette).
WARNING: The error message "Too many open files" results when the
CONFIG.SYS file is not installed, or does not have minimum values
as follows: FILES=20 and BUFFERS=16.
You can setup your computer to load the program from your hard
drive, but save all data on a floppy diskette (this setup is NOT
recommended because hard drives are faster and more reliable). To
do this copy the ND.EXE, INTRO.OVL, and MODULES.OVL to a directory
on the hard disk that the PATH command points to (usually \DOS is
an example). Next switch DOS to your floppy drive (for example,
type "A:" and press <Enter>). Now put the data diskette in that
floppy drive and type "ND" and press <Enter> to start the program
(you can erase MODULES.OVL from the data diskette).
NAMES & DATES uses the date in your computer to tell you when names
were added or changed, and to display a Calendar for the current
month. If your system asks for the date when you turn the computer
on, be sure and reply with the correct current date.
NAMES & DATES may be supplied on one or two diskettes, depending on
the size diskette you ordered. If you have two diskettes, the one
with ND.EXE is the PROGRAM disk, and the other one is the DATA
To start the program, floppy users must first insert the PROGRAM
diskette into the A: drive. Hard disk users must change to the
correct directory (CD \ND if you used the INSTALL procedure).
Next, type ND at the DOS prompt and press <Enter>. After the
program loads, the startup options list appears. Floppy users who
received two diskettes must now remove the PROGRAM diskette, and
insert the DATA diskette into the A: drive.
Next, both floppy and hard disk users can press the <Enter> key to
advance to the main menu (note: hard disk users can press <Enter>
twice after keying ND to start, and skip this step entirely).
There are 3 choices for program processing that can be entered on
the startup options list. If you press '0' (zero), the program
will not make use of free RAM to speed up program processing. This
will result is faster startup, but slower processing of name lists,
particularly when using the "View" mode.
If you press '2' the program will make maximum use of free RAM to
speed processing. This is a good choice for floppy users as it
minimizes disk access when you look up names. This also helps
conserve battery power if you are using a laptop computer.
Choosing '1' causes the program to use free RAM for "Category" data
If you respond with <Enter> the program will choose the fastest
processing possible for the RAM available. Responding with <Enter>
is generally the best choice (unless you just want to make 1 or 2
quick changes or inquires, and leave the program, in which case '0'
for fast startup is the best choice).
Main Menu
The main menu is a list of things you can do with the program. You
can select menu items by pressing their first letter. For example,
press "d" or "D" to select "Dates."
You can also use the cursor arrow keys to move the "light bar"
until the item you want is highlighted, and then press <Enter> to
select the menu item. In addition, some menu items can be called
by function keys in many places throughout the program. The
following menu items have function keys: Dates (F5), Categories
(F6), Setup (F8), and Initialize (F9).
There are context sensitive help messages available throughout the
program. To see these messages, just press the F1 function key.
Usually, there are help messages for each individual type of
information on the display screen. For example, move the cursor to
FIRST NAME in the "name" window, then press F1 to see information
about the FIRST NAME field. Move to the LAST NAME field and press
F1 to see the LAST NAME help information.
There are two special help screens available on the "name" window.
If you move to either "Phone" area and press F1, a table of
telephone Area Codes with Time Zones and states/provinces is
displayed. If you move to the "State/Province" field and press F1,
a list of state and province abbreviations for the U.S. and Canada
is shown.
In addition to help messages, the bottom of each display window has
a command summary. These shorthand reminders list the specific
commands and function keys that can be used with the current
Batch (.BAT) Files
The NAMES & DATES■ diskettes include several "batch" (.BAT) files
to help with various tasks. The INSTALL.BAT file is discussed
above in "Setting Up Disk Files." The GO.BAT file displays the
READ.ME file (type GO and press the ENTER key). The ORDER.BAT file
will print a one page form to use when you register (type ORDER and
press <Enter>).
The UPGRADE.BAT file will upgrade your hard drive to the latest
program version. Put the "program" diskette (if you have two
diskettes) in your A: drive, type A:UPGRADE, and press the ENTER
key. Then follow the directions that appear on your screen.
The BACKUP.BAT file copies all the data files that contain the name
and date information you have entered. This provides a complete
backup of your data. The backup files are copied to your A: drive,
so be sure and put a blank formatted diskette in the A: drive,
before keying BACKUP (Note: Copying all files with the following
extensions will completely back up your data: .DAT, .MEM, .K01, and
Getting Started
As the program title suggests, NAMES & DATES will keep track of
names (people or businesses) and date reminders. The names
information can include addresses, phone numbers, etc. The date
reminders can be used for appointments, birthdays, holidays,
anniversaries, etc. In addition, you can use categories to help
organize your names and dates.
Note that "Names" "Dates" and "Categories" are the first 3 items
shown on the primary (or first) menu display. If you select one of
these menu items, you will see a list of all the records of that
type (for example, choose "Names" to see all the names that you
have stored). If you don't have any items of one of these types,
then instead of a list, you will see a blank record so you can add
the first record. If you have so many names (or dates) that they
don't fit on your monitor, press the <PgDn> key to see more of the
list (or key in the first letter or two of the name to see that
part of the list).
The "Name" record holds the name, address, phone numbers,
salutation, comments, and "categories" for a person or business.
The "Date" record holds the month, day, year, description, and
additional notes for an "event reminder."
The "Category" record lets you define a sub-group for your "name"
records, and holds a description of the category (for example, you
could add a category "T" for "Tennis," and then put a "T" on the
name record of each person you play tennis with. Because "Date"
records can be associated with "Name" records, dates can also be
grouped by the same categories as the names they are "tied to."
With the "Views" and "Printing" menu options, you can select names
or dates from just one category group (for example, to see a list
of just tennis friends). Use the "Initialize" (F9) menu option to
choose the category you want.
If you are familiar with computers, you may not need to read
further. Use the F1 "Help" function key whenever you have
questions about specific program options.
Adding Information
Adding new names, or new dates, or new categories is a similar
procedure. The first step is to choose a list of the items you
wish to update. For example, choose "Names" on the main menu to
see an alphabetical list of the names on your file. If there are
no names on the file, the program will automatically "bounce" to
the window used to add a name. This is true for all "list"
windows: if there are no items in the list, the program goes right
to the "add" window.
The "list" screens show all the names, dates, or categories on your
file, one "page" at a time. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to move
between items, and the <Home> and <End> keys to highlight the top
and bottom items on the "page." Use <PgUp> and <PgDn> to change
"pages," and Ctrl<PgUp> and Ctrl<PgDn> to go to the first and last
page. On the "Names" list, the F7 key changes the display between
phone numbers and addresses.
If there are items shown in the selected list, press the <Ins> key
to transfer to the "add" window ("Ins" is the abbreviation for
"insert"). The <Ins> key is usually on the far right side of your
keyboard. Be sure the "Num Lock" light is off (if "Num Lock" is
on, then the <Ins> key becomes the "zero"). The <Ins> key can be
pressed from the top of the list, or any point in the list. The
name you add will be alphabetized correctly, regardless of your
position on the "list" screen.
The "add" window is used to type in data and then put it on your
file. After typing a given field, press the <Enter> key to move to
the next field. For example, after typing "Bill" into the "First
Name" field, press <Enter> to move to the "Last or Business Name"
field. You can skip a field by pressing the <Enter> key, or using
the down arrow key. You can move to a prior field with the <Esc>
key or the UP arrow key. If you are in the middle of typing a new
field, the <Esc> key will move to the start of the field and delete
what you just typed. If you are on the first field on a display,
the <Esc> key will take you off that display and back to the prior
display screen.
Once you have keyed all the data for a name, hold down the <Shift>
key and press the <Enter> key. This will update your file with the
new record. You can use Shift<Enter> to update from any point on
the display screen.
If you decide after typing some data that you do NOT want to add
the record, hold down the <Shift> key and press the <Esc> key.
This will cause the program to return to the prior list window,
without saving anything that you have just typed.
In summary, use <Enter> after typing a field to register that piece
of data (like "First Name"); or use <Esc> to remove what you have
just typed and start over at the beginning of the field.
Similarly, use Shift<Enter> to update an entire record; or use
Shift<Esc> to skip updating, and return to the prior list window.
You can think of it as "small" <Enter> adds one field, while
"capital" <Enter>, or Shift<Enter>, adds an entire record (a record
is a group of fields). Similarly, <Esc> stops the changes to a
field, while Shift<Esc> stops the changes to an entire record.
Making Changes
The records for names, dates, and categories are all revised in the
same way. The first step is to choose a list of the items you wish
to update. For example, choose "Dates" on the main menu to see a
list of the dates on your file. To change an item on a list, first
position the highlight bar on the item to be revised, then press
<Enter>. You can use the cursor arrow keys to move the highlight
up and down, and the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys to see a new "page" on
a long list. Use CTRL <PgUp> to move back to the top of the list,
and CTRL <PgDn> to move to the bottom of the list.
You can also type in the first few characters of a name or date to
move down a long list. For example, to get to "Smith" on a list
with thousands of names, begin by typing the first few letters of
"Smith" and then press <Enter>. If "Smith" doesn't appear, type a
few more letters and press <Enter> again. The search is not case
sensitive, so it is not necessary to type an uppercase "S" to find
"Smith." When the name "Smith" appears on the screen, use the down
arrow key to move the highlight bar to the name you want.
Once the highlight bar is positioned over the item you wish to
change (say "Smith, Robert A."), press the <Enter> key and the
program will display the "change" window. This window shows all
the information about the item you selected from the list.
The "change" window works identically to the "add" window. Use the
"down arrow" or the <Enter> key to move down the screen to the
place where you want to make the change, then type in the new or
revised data. Press <Ins> (the "Insert" key) if you want put data
in front of existing data in a field. For example, to add a "1" to
a street address number, position the cursor where you want the "1"
and press <Ins> then "1". Press the <Ins> key again to stop the
"insert mode."
The bottom of the window shows the command and function keys that
can be used. Again, use Shift<Enter> to update the record with
your changes. If you use Shift<Esc>, the record will not be
revised, even after you type changes to some of the values.
Deleting Records
The records for names, dates, and categories are all deleted in the
same way. The first step is to choose the list which has the item
you wish to delete. For example, choose "Names" on the main menu
to see a list of the names on your file. To remove an item from
your file, position the highlight bar over the item, and press the
<Del> key (the "delete" key). The program will display the
"delete" window. You will see the details for the selected item,
along with the message "Press Enter to confirm delete." If you
press <Enter>, the item is removed permanently from your file, and
no longer appears on the list. If you press any other key, you
will return to the list, and the item will not be deleted from the
list or file.
There are two special cases when deleting records. If there are
date records associated with a particular name, then the date
records must be deleted first, before the program will allow the
name record to be deleted (there is a warning message if you try to
delete the name first). There is also a "mass" date delete
function for deleting old date records that you no longer need,
like appointments that are in the past (see the "Dates" and
"Utilities" documentation sections for more information about mass
deleting date records).
Categories (F6)
Use a "category" to group names that have something in common. For
example, you might want to assign people in your Bridge club into
a "B" category. Then you can use the "B" category to print a phone
list of just club members, or to print mailing labels for party
invitations to a club function. With the "View" function, you can
see a display window with just Bridge club members, or see only
those "date reminders" associated with the members of the Bridge
Before you can use a category, you must first define it. To define
a category, choose "Categories" from the main menu, or use the F6
"Categories" function key from elsewhere in the program. When you
select "Categories," the first thing you see is a list of
categories that have been defined previously. For example, you may
see "S" and "Software Companies" in the data supplied with the
If no categories have been setup, the program will "bounce" to the
window where you can add a new category. If you are on the list of
categories then press the <Ins> key, to move to the window for
adding new categories. Now you can type any letter, number, or
other symbol to represent the category. Whenever possible, you
will want to use the first letter of one of the words used to
describe the category. For example, "B" for "Bridge Club Members."
Next type the description of the category, then press <Enter> to
save the category definition.
You can change or delete categories just like other records. To
change a category, move the highlight bar to the desired category
and press the <Enter> key. To delete a category, move the
highlight bar to the item and press the <Del> key. Be very careful
not to change or delete categories if there are names still using
the old definitions. To see a summary of which categories are
being used, choose "Analyze" on the VIEWS menu.
Now, as you add or revise names, you can assign them to the
categories you have defined, by typing the category letter into the
"Categories" area on the name window. This area can hold up to
eight different categories. So, each name on your file can belong
to as many as eight different groups that you define. If you try
to add a name to a category that has not been defined yet, the
program will display an error message.
If you forget some of your categories while adding or changing
names, just press the F6 "Categories" function key. The
"Categories" list window will display your categories with their
definitions. You can also add new categories at this point, while
your adding or changing a name.
Dates (F5)
There are two types of "date reminder" records. The two types are
identical, except that one is associated with a name record and the
other is not. The type associated with a name record is used for
birthdays, anniversaries, client meetings; in general, any date you
want to "tie" to a specific name. To add this type of date record,
you must first choose the name you want associated with the date.
So the name must be added first.
If you have just added the name, you will be on the name list,
otherwise select "Names" from the main menu to see the list of all
names in your file. Next move the highlight bar so the desired
name is highlighted, then press the F5 "Dates" function key. This
will display a list of all the dates already associated with the
selected name. If no dates were previously associated with the
name, the program will "bounce" directly to the "date add" window.
On the date list, press the <Ins> key to go to the "date add"
window.Now type in the date, description, and additional notes, if any.
If the month and day are "today," just press enter and today's
month and day will appear automatically (Note: you can use this
feature when Autodialing from the Date "add" window, to jot down a
summary of a phone conversation). Next press Shift<Enter> to add
the record.
The second type of date reminder is the "date only" record. The
"date only" record is NOT associated with any of the names in your
file. Use this type for general reminders such as national
holidays, club meetings, school vacations, etc. To add this kind
of date record, first choose "Dates" from the main menu. This will
display a list of ALL dates, both the "date only" records and those
associated with a name. Next, press the <Ins> key and the "date
add" window will be displayed. Now type in the date information
and press Shift<Enter> to complete adding the "date only" reminder.
Note that the "Dates" item chosen from the main menu begins with
dates for the current day, or the first date in your file after
"today's" date (however, if you only have a few dates that can all
be shown at one time, then all dates are shown). To see earlier
dates just press the PgUp key, and the "Dates" window will show the
earlier dates. When using the "Names," "Views," or "Months"
functions to look at dates, then the dates are shown beginning with
the date closest the start of the year.
Dates appear in order by Month and then Day of the month. The
optional Year is NOT used for sequencing the date lists. This
allows birthdays and holidays that occur on the same day each year,
to appear in their correct position. You will probably want to
delete dates referring to specific meetings, appointments, etc.
before they are a year old. This prevents confusion between dates
from the current year and dates from prior years. You can use the
"mass date delete" function for this (see the "Utilities" section
for more information).
You can also change or delete dates from any of the date lists, in
the same way Names and Categories are revised. To change a date,
just move the highlight bar to the desired date and press the
<Enter> key. To delete a date, move the highlight bar to the item
and press the <Del> key.
Notice that the date list windows have a "Name" column. Each date
that is associated with a name has a "Y" in this column. Dates not
associated with names have a "-" in the column. You can use the
autodialer (if you have a modem) to dial from the "date add/change"
screen if the date is tied to a name. This is a handy way to
process a "call back" list, and then make a record of the ensuing
The program requires each date you enter to have Month, Day and
Description. The Year, Mass Delete and Additional Notes fields are
all optional. The Date "Description" is divided into two parts.
Only the first part is required. The two parts, one on top of the
other, show how the description will appear on the smaller printed
calendar pages. All other printed reports and windows display the
two parts of date description right next to each other on the same
If you enter a YEAR, the program will calculate the "Age" of the
event date if it is in the past (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).
If the date is in the future, within the next five years, the
program calculates the time "To go" instead of "Age." Because the
year is only two digits, the program must "guess" whether it is
past or future. For example, if the current year is 1990, then 91
through 95 are assumed to be future years, while 96 through 99 are
assumed to refer to 1896 through 1899. The "Age" or time "To go"
appear automatically next to the "Year" and on certain reports.
If the "Additional Notes" area is left blank, no file space is
wasted for its storage. Be sure and press the Shift<Enter>
combination to save the record, when you are through keying
information for that date. If you press <Enter> repeatedly until
you reach the bottom of the Additional Notes area, the record will
be saved, but valuable disk space will be used to save your "empty"
Additional Notes.
The "Mass Delete (Y/N)" field tells if the record is to be removed
from your file when the "Utility" mass date delete procedure is
used. Dates with a "Y" will be mass deleted if they are in the
range of months selected (see the "Utilities" section for more
information). Permanent date reminders (such as birthdays,
anniversaries, and "same date each year" holidays like the 4th of
July), should have "N" in the "Mass Delete (Y/N)" field. One-time
date reminders (such as parties, meetings, and appointments) should
have "Y" in "Mass Delete (Y/N)" so the dates can be mass deleted
when they are no longer useful. If the "Mass Delete (Y/N)" field
is left blank, the program assumes that "N" was intended (only "Y"
values will be mass deleted).
Months (Calendar Window)
The main menu "Months" function displays a monthly calendar for the
current month and year according to your computer's date. The
current day is noted, and "date reminders" that you have entered
will appear as blinking days. All date reminders in the month are
shown, regardless of the year in the date record. Press the F5
"Dates" key to see the date list for the month. From the date
list, an individual date can be selected if further detail is
desired. Date reminders can also be updated here.
You can use the left or right arrow keys to select "Next" or
"Prior" month on the calendar. Then press <Enter> to see the next
or prior month. Any number of future or prior monthly calendars
can be displayed in this manner.
The name window is used to add or revise the basic information
about a person or business. Each of the fields (Title, First Name,
etc.) has a different help message. Position the cursor on each
field and press the F1 "Help" key for a summary of the unique
characteristics of each field.
In general, your names will represent a person or a business. If
the name is for a business, leave the "Title" and "First Name"
areas blank. If you want to print a mailing label for a particular
person at the business, use "Attn: Joe Smith" in the first
"Address" line.
Since the file is alphabetized on the "Last or Business Name"
field, you may occasionally want to split a business name between
the "First" and "Last" name fields. For example, if you put "The
JC" into First Name and "Penny Company" into Last Name, then the
record would appear with the "P's" using "Penny Company" but "The
JC Penny Company" would print as the first line on address labels.
Be sure and leave "Title" blank for all business names.
If the name record is for a person, couple, or family, then the
"Title" is used for "Ms." or "Mr. and Mrs." etc. But "Title" is
optional for these records. The "First Name(s)" area can be used
for the first name and/or initials or one or more persons. When
printing address labels, the program will not show the "and" or "&"
(and what follows it) from the "First Name(s)" field, if you put
something in the "Title" field.
For example, let's say you entered "John and Sue" into the "First
Name(s)" field and "Smith" into the "Last Name" field. If you put
"Mr. and Mrs." in the "Title" area, the program will drop "and Sue"
and print it as "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith." If the "Title" is left
blank, the same address label would read: "John and Sue Smith."
For this reason, you will usually want to enter the man's name
first for a married couple if a "Title" is also entered, in order
to avoid "Mr. and Mrs. Sue Smith" on a label.
If all this sounds confusing, there is a program feature that will
help by showing you the result of these formatting rules. Just
press the F7 function key after entering the name, and the name
will be shown in the address label format.
WORK and HOME PHONE: Use these spaces for telephone numbers. See
the "Setup-Autodial" and "Phone Dialing" sections for information
about telephone number formats (you may want to use the "Local Area
Code" and "Dial before number" features if you use a modem to dial
calls). You can use letters in your phone numbers if you wish (for
example, 800 245-DISK), and the program will still dial these
numbers correctly. You can see a list of U.S. and Canadian
telephone area codes if you place the cursor on any of the "phone"
fields, and press the F1 "Help" function key.
ADDRESS: This area has three lines with 33 spaces each, to provide
for almost any conceivable address format. You can leave any of
these lines blank, and the program will discard the blank lines
such that a normal looking address label will be printed. Again,
the F7 key will display the final format.
CITY, STATE, ZIP/COUNTRY: For U.S. and Canadian addresses, you
should use the "City State Zip" fields. However, these fields can
be left blank for addresses that don't fit this format. If you
want to print labels in Zip order, then you must put the Zip Code
into the "Zip" field. The "Zip" field can also be used for
Canadian, British, and other Postal Codes.
For addresses that are "foreign," you can put the name of the
country into the Zip/Country area, and leave the City and
State/Province areas blank. If the country name is too big for
Zip/Country, you can place it in the City area, and optionally
place any "zip-type" code into Zip/Country.
To see an abbreviation list for U.S. states and Canadian provinces,
position the cursor on the State/Province field and press the F1
"Help" key.
CATEGORIES: The "Categories" field is used to put a name into one
or more of the category groups you have defined. Each name can
belong to up to eight different category groups. See the
CATEGORIES section of this document for more information about
defining categories. The program checks to see if the categories
you enter here have been previously defined. If the categories are
not defined, there is a warning beep, an error message is displayed
at the top of the screen, and the program will not save the name
record until the category is corrected. Use the F6 "Categories"
function key to define a new category from the name screen.
SALUTATION: This field is used with the mail merge function. Use
"Salutation" to put names after the word "Dear" at the start of a
letter. For example, you might put "Bill," into "Salutation," so
mail merge letters will begin with "Dear Bill," but put "William"
into First Name so that "Mr. William Jones" appears on mailing
If you leave "Salutation" empty, the program will create one for
mail merge files using the "Title" and "Last Name" (for example,
"Mr. Jones:"). See the "Setup" section for additional salutation
options. If no other salutation is available, the program
substitutes "Sir or Madam:" when mail merge files are created.
You can use the F7 key to see the salutation format that will be
used for mail merge.
NOTES: This area can be used for miscellaneous comments, "Fax"
phone numbers, etc. Although you can see only three lines for
"Notes," there are actually eight lines that will scroll up a line
at a time, as you reach the end of the third line. This area works
like a simple word processor. It has "word wrap" which lets you
keep typing at the end of a line, and move automatically to the
next line without dividing words in the middle. You can use the
<Ins> and <Del> keys to insert and delete words in this area, as
well as other places in the program.
The first two lines of the "Notes" area can be printed using the
(address) Book or 3x5 inch Rolodex option. The lines are divided
as shown by the "Book Size" brackets over the "Notes" area, when
printed in the Book or 3x5 inch Rolodex formats. Other reports
print the entire "Notes" area.
Another feature of the relatively large "Notes" area is that it
only uses space on your disk file when you actually enter the
comments (use the Shift<Enter> key combination to save the record
as soon as you finish keying name information). All the names
without comments will not be taking up any disk file space in the
separate "Notes" area.
If you need additional space for "Notes" consider using the
"Additional Notes" area of the date records. You will want to
"tie" these dates to the name by highlighting the name and pressing
the F5 "Dates" key to create the date records. This is a handy
way to summarize a phone call or meeting that occurred on a
particular day.
Setup (F8)
The "Setup" option is used to describe your computer environment
and personal preferences. The "Setup" menu is listed on the
primary menu, and can be accessed from other menus by using the F8
"Setup" function key. There are three Setup screens, each one with
various options, as follows:
* Labels and Envelopes
* Printer, Modem (Autodial), Salutation, Date Alarm,
and Data Entry type
* Report Formats
Setup values can be changed at any time. Use the F1 (Help)
function key, as you move around on each setup screen, for more
information about the setup alternatives.
LEFT MARGIN: Variable size labels and envelopes require a "Left
Margin" value. This is used to position the "addressee"
information on the envelope or label. Enter the number of spaces
you want to indent before printing the address. As with many of
these values, it is hard to know exactly what to enter. The best
approach is to take a guess at the value, then print one envelope
(or whatever), look at the result to see how you did, and then
adjust accordingly. After a couple of trial runs, you'll have the
correct setup, and you probably will never have to change it again.
LINES HIGH: To place the address data from top to bottom, the
program needs to know the vertical size of the envelope (or
variable label). Indicate the "Lines High" (form height) as a
number of lines, assuming that most printers put 6 lines per inch.
For example, a standard business envelope measures 4 1/6 inches top
to bottom. Therefore the form height would be 25 (6 times 4 1/6).
If your printer puts 8 lines per inch, or some other value, use
this to calculate "lines high."
ENVELOPES ONLY: The "Lines before" value is used to help place
addresses on envelopes correctly. If you have a laser printer,
this will move the "addressee" (and optional return address)
information so it lines up with your envelope "path." For example,
the HP LaserJet II has a "center fed" envelope, so a value of "11"
will correctly place envelope addresses. The "11" means to "skip
11 lines before beginning envelope printing." Use a sheet of paper
to test these values before trying to print on an actual envelope.
For Dot Matrix printers using "continuous" envelopes, this value is
the number of printer lines between envelopes (from the bottom of
one envelope to the top of the next). If there is one inch between
envelopes, enter "6" (since there are six printer lines per inch).
If the envelopes have no space between them, enter zero. To begin
printing position the printer at the top of the first envelope.
PRINT RETURN ADDRESS (Y/N): You can print a return address on
envelopes if you wish. If you want to print return addresses,
enter "Y" in the "Print Return Address" area.
LEFT MARGIN (Return Address): Enter in "Left Margin" the number of
spaces to indent the return address. On dot matrix printers this
will be a small number (say, 1 to 5), since the left side of the
envelope is near the left edge of your printer. However, Laser
printers feed envelopes in sideways, and this number can be quite
large depending on the size of the envelope (the smaller the
envelope, the bigger the Left Margin). A good technique is to make
some trial runs using a full size sheet of paper, to see how the
return address will be placed on the envelope (Note: a Left Margin
of 15 is about right for business size envelopes on laser
RETURN ADDRESS: Enter the actual return address, as you want it to
appear on envelopes. The return address can be up to 5 lines long.
This return address will be used for all your envelopes, until you
revise it.
USPS OCR FORMAT: If you enter Y(es) then label and envelope
addresses will print with all capital letters and no comma between
the "City" and "State." This conforms with the Post Office
requirements for OCR scanning and results in BULK mail savings. If
you enter N(o) then the "addressee" will appear just as you have
entered it, except for the comma inserted after "City."
SEQUENCE (Labels & Envelopes): The sequence for standard labels,
variable labels and envelopes can be set to name or Zip order. Use
"1" for sequencing by last name or business name, and "2" for Zip
code or country. This can be changed at any time. If you choose
"2" for Zip, the Zip area of each name must contain the Zip code
(or country name), for the sort to work correctly.
MAILING LABEL FORMAT: You can define the size and number of labels
in a row (from 1 to 4 across), for standard mailing labels. These
labels are 15/16 inch high (or 1" from the top of one to the top of
the next). The "Normal" formats work with all printers, except
lasers, that use 10 characters per inch. The "Compress" formats
require a dot matrix type of printer capable of 16-17 characters
per inch. The "Laser" format work only with laser printers that
"emulate" the HP LaserJet II (most laser printers have a LaserJet
II mode setting).
Printer/Modem/Misc (Salutation, Date Alarm, & Data Entry)
DEVICE NAME: Use the "Device Name" area to switch printers if you
have move than one printer, or to send reports to a disk file.
Most printers use parallel hookups, and will work with either PRN
or LPT1 in device name. Use COM1 for most serial printers. Other
possible values are LPT2, LPT3, COM2, and AUX. Do NOT use a colon
":" at the end of the device name.
You can also enter a DOS file name into Device Name, if you want to
print reports to a disk file (for example, to take to another
computer for printing, or to import into another program). You can
use drive names and directories with the DOS name (for example,
PRINTER: Enter your printer type in "Which best describes your
printer." Choice #1, the "Std. Dot Matrix" works with printers
using the IBM U.S. character set (Note: this choice prints
Calendars at 6 lines per inch, with a maximum of 6 "event date"
lines per day, while other choices print up to 8 "event date"
lines). Choice #2, the HP LaserJet II is for all Laser printers
(if you don't have a LaserJet, set your laser to "emulate" the
LaserJet II). Choice #3, the "ASCII Dot Matrix" works with
virtually all dot matrix printers.
Most printed outputs will be correct regardless of the printer
choice you make. However, if you have trouble with Calendars,
Compressed labels, or address Books, it is due to a faulty setting.
If you have a dot matrix printer try both the #1 and #3 choices.
If you still have trouble you should choose #4, "Custom setup."
The "Custom setup" requires that you read your printer manual to
find the special setup codes for "compressed" size letters and "8
lines per inch" (vertical) spacing. After entering choice "4" type
these special codes in the popup window that appears next.
The first part of each "Custom setup" code usually requires an
"Escape" code, which must be entered between "less than" and
"greater than" symbols, as follows: <27>. Any codes that you enter
as "decimal" values must be between their own "<" and ">" symbols
(for example, <27><48>). Use the <Shift> and "," or "." keys to
type the "<" and ">" symbols, respectively. For most of these
printer codes, you can enter the actual character shown in your
printer manual, instead of the "decimal" code. Use the actual
character whenever possible (for example, use "<27>0" instead of
the equivalent "<27><48>"). After printing Calendars, Labels or
Books that use these codes, turn your printer off and then on again
to clear the codes before printing other reports.
AUTODIAL: If you have a Hayes compatible modem, you can have the
program dial phone numbers for you. You must specify your
telephone type (rotary or touch tone), modem port number ("1" for
COM1, etc.), and modem speed. See the "Phone Dialing" section for
information on making calls.
Optional "Setup" variables let you supply a "Dial before number" to
be automatically appended to the beginning of the phone number.
For long distance calls, this can be "1" or a longer "access code."
For local calls this could be "9,," to dial "9" for an outside line
(Note: the ",," creates a pause before the rest of the number is
dialed; each "," causes a two second pause).
You can also put a "Local Area Code" in the "Setup" area. This
causes the autodialer to drop the area code, when you dial numbers
that start with that area code. This lets you put area codes in
front of all phone numbers, and then travel to different area codes
and "Dial" without changing any phone numbers, just the "Local Area
Code" in "Setup." This also lets business users in different
locations share the same Names & Dates files.
SALUTATION: You can choose whether or not to include a salutation,
when a mail merge file is created for your word processor. The
salutation is used with the word "Dear" at the top of each letter,
as in "Dear Bill,". If you choose to have a salutation included,
the program will use the value you put in the "Salutation" area of
the name record. If the "Salutation" in the name record is left
blank, the program builds a salutation (see the "Names" section for
You can also specify a universal default salutation (for name
records that don't have a salutation), such as "Friends," or
"Business Owner:". You can also specify that the "default" value
be used every time, and override the salutation in the name record,
if any.
DATE ALARM: You can have the program check the "event dates" you
have entered to see if any are upcoming soon. The check occurs
each time you start the program. A blinking "Date Alarm" message
showing the number of dates within the "alarm window," appears on
the main menu to alert you to upcoming events.
Enter the number of days you wish to look ahead for upcoming
events. Enter zero to skip this feature (no date check). Enter
"1" to check just the current day. Enter "2" to check the current
day and the next day. Accordingly, you can choose any number of
days up to 99 to check for upcoming events. For example, you could
enter a "1" in "Date Alarm," and the next time you use the program,
you might see the message "Date Alarm: 3" meaning "three date
records exist for the current day."
WHEN ADDING NAMES...: This area lets you save keying time by
repeating the data from the prior name when adding multiple names.
For example, sometimes many names have the same City, State, and
Zip Code. Answer "y" to use the address data from the name you
added previously.
Report Formats
These Setup values define the format for "Name" reports and address
"Book" printing. These values give you control over some of the
unique printing options available with this program.
PRINT PAGE NUMBERS: If you reply "Y"(es) a page number (for
example, -1-) will appear at the bottom of address book pages and
the top of name reports. If you reply "N" and start pages with a
new letter of the alphabet (see below), then you can reprint just
a portion of name listings or address books to make changes or add
new names. For example, if Mr. Smith changes his phone number, or
you want to add Mr. Sanders, you can print just the "S" page or
pages (see F2 Start/Stop on PRINTING menu).
START NEW PAGE...: If you choose to "Start new page when 1st letter
of name changes" then there will be a new page begun when the "A"
names end and the "B" names begin, and so on. On large lists this
can make reprinting easier when changes occur, by allowing you to
reprint just the pages that have changed (use F2 Start/Stop on the
BOOK ONLY: The rest of the options affect only the address book
printing format.
...BACK SIDE TOO: Specify "Y"(es) for "Print book pages on back
side too" if you want to use both sides of each sheet of printer
paper. If printing both sides, first all the front sides are
printed, then you must turn the pages over and feed them through
the printer again to print the back sides. See "Indent" below for
information on how to get the front and back sides to align
properly. Using both sides makes a smaller, more professional
looking book, without every other page being blank.
INDENT BOOK PAGES: The "Indent" value is used to center the book
pages, with equal left and right margins, so that "back side too"
printing will line up the address book "page fronts" with the "page
backs." This has to be somewhat by trial and error, but once the
right setting is found, no future adjustments are required. Choose
a Category with just a few names, so that only one page is used for
each trial run.
TEXT LINE WIDTH: The "Text line width" controls the width of the
area where the name, address, phone, and notes will print. Choose
this area as wide as possible (without exceeding the width of your
book cover), for best results. If this area is wide enough, phone
numbers will print on the same line with name and address data.
MARGIN FOR BOOK PAGE: This option refers to the smaller book pages
that print two across each printer page. The "Margin" is on the
left side if you choose "Left Binding" (see below), and in the
middle if you choose "Center Binding." The "Margins" and "Text
Widths" (left and right hand side pages) plus the "Indent" value,
must not exceed the printer page width. There is a warning tone
and error message if these values are too large.
PRINT LINES PER INCH: This option lets you choose to print the book
at either 6 or 8 lines per inch (vertical spacing). This option
and the "Lines per book page" option determine the "height" of the
book. The program will print as many book pages as will fit on
each sheet of printer paper. This can result in up to 8 book pages
on each side of an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of printer paper.
LASERS ONLY, LANDSCAPE MODE: This lets you print books "sideways"
if you have a laser printer. This is useful for printing large
size address books.
LINES PER BOOK PAGE: You can change the "height" of you book by
varying the lines on each page from 18 to 78. You may have to
guess at the correct value and print just one page, then adjust
your guess to obtain the size you desire.
PRINT BORDER OUTLINE: This option will print a cutting guide around
each page, if you specify "Y"(es). If you are using special
perforated address book pages that are designed for a particular
size book, then specify "N" and no cutting border guide will print.
PRINT PHONE NUMBERS...: You can also choose whether or not to print
"Phone numbers," "Address," and "Notes" information.
BIND PAGES LEFT OR CENTER: This option affects the basic style and
page numbering of the book. The "Left" option puts the margins on
the left side of each page. With this option cut between the left
and right hand side pages (as well as around the other sides), and
then staple or hole punch all the pages on the left side. With the
"Center" option the margins are in the middle, and you should cut
only around the outside of the left and right pages (NOT between
them), and then staple the pages on the line in the middle between
the left and right hand pages.
COMPRESSED PRINTING: This option makes use of your printer's
smaller type size, and results in an address book that is less wide
than with normal size letters.
Initialize (F9)
The Initialize function is used to establish values that affect
Printing, Views, and Utilities options. Here you specify the
category, title, starting month, ending month, and starting year
for various reports, etc. You will change these values often while
using the "Printing" and "Views" menu choices, and you can do it
easily by pressing the F9 "Initialize" function key whenever you
want to change a value.
For example, if you're about to print a phone list report from the
"Printing" menu, the "Title" will be displayed. If you wish to
change it, press F9 to bring up the Initialize "window," key in the
new title, press Shift<Enter> to save it and return to the
"Printing" menu, then press <Enter> to start the report.
The "Category" entered on the Initialize window selects records for
printing or "Views" that are in the chosen category. If you wish
to select all your names, key a space into the "Category" field on
the Initialize window. The "Category" also affects the dates
printed on Calendar reports, by choosing only dates that are tied
to names in the selected category.
The Initialize function will change the time frame for date
sensitive functions. The "Starting" and "Final" months for printed
"Calendars" and "Dates" reports, as well as the "Mass Date Delete"
can be revised. For example, enter "01" and "06" if you wish to
process only the first six months of the year. It is also possible
to "wrap" around the end of the year. For Example, enter "12" as
the Starting Month, and "02" as the Final Month, to process
December, January, and February.
The "Starting Year" field is optional. Each type of date sensitive
processing treats the year differently. The printed "Calendar"
uses the current year if "Starting Year" is blank, otherwise it
uses the "Starting Year" value. The "Dates" report prints all
dates in the month range if "Starting Year" is blank, otherwise it
prints only dates with a year that matches the "Starting Year."
The "Mass Date Delete" removes dates with a blank year if the
"Starting Year" is blank, otherwise dates are deleted if they have
the same year as the "Starting Year." See the "Utilities" section
for more "Mass Date Delete" rules.
Name Scan
Scan provides a powerful tool for choosing names. Scan looks
through name records to find the specific word, letter or other
character that you tell it to search for. Alternatively, you can
select names added or revised after a date you specify. Either
selection method can be used by itself, or in combination with the
other. These name records can be displayed on your monitor by
selecting Scan Names on the "View" option. Using the F3 "Name
Scan" key on the "Printing" and "Utilities" menus will select names
for reports, export, etc.
Name Scan is similar to specifying a category using "Initialize,"
but more flexible and powerful. For example, you can look in the
"Notes" area of every name on your file, for "racquetball" or
"tennis" and "good" to search for a worthy opponent (Note: upper
case letters don't matter, so "GOOD", "good", and "Good" are all
treated the same). You specify where to look, using one or more of
the following places in each name record: Name, Address, City,
State, Zip, Categories, and Notes.
The search works in combination with the Category chosen with
"Initialize." If you choose a Category with "Initialize" then Name
Scan will only look in names in that category to find the search
item. This provides a very powerful search tool. For example, you
can view or print all names in Category "C" in the states of "NY"
or "CA".
You can specify additional Categories using Name Scan. For
example, you might use "Initialize" to say look only in Category
"A". And then use Name Scan to say "Of those names in Category "A"
choose only those that are also in "B" or "C" and "D" or "E".
You can also use Name Scan to choose names by the "Last Changed"
date. The "Last Changed" date is kept by the program for every
name record, and shows when the name was added or last revised.
Enter a "Last Changed" date to select only names changed (or added)
after the date entered. This can be handy for things like updating
your Rolodex card file, if you want to print cards only for new
names or names changed since you last printed cards (you have to
keep track of the date when you last printed Rolodex cards). This
selection criteria is in addition to the "Initialize" Category, if
any, and other Name Scan criteria. Names must meet all conditions
in order to be selected.
Choose "Printing" on the main menu to see a list of report,
calendar, address book, label, envelope, and rolodex printing
options. Most program printing options will work with any printer
(assuming 10 characters per inch, the most common size). However,
the monthly calendar pages must be printed in a "compressed" format
(about 17 characters per inch). Optionally, address books and
labels can be printed using "compressed" format.
Use the F9 "Initialize" key to change the "Title" or "Category"
selection. The "Title" prints at the top of each page on reports,
or on the first address label. If you enter a "Category" it will
limit the printing to just names or dates in that category (a
description of the category prints at the top of each page). If
the "Category" is left blank (press the space bar), then ALL the
names on your file will be printed.
Use the F2 "Start/Stop" option if you want to begin or end your
printing with a particular name. For example, if your labels jam
while printing, you might want to begin with the name after the
last good label. Just press the F2 key to see a list of names,
then highlight the name you want to begin with and press F4 (Start
Name). You can also choose a "Stop Name" (press F8) to end a
report before the last record. You can use "Start" and "Stop"
together to reprint just one part of a large name list if an
address or phone number changes, or a name is added (the first time
you print the entire list, choose the Setup option to start each
page with a different letter of the alphabet).
You can also select names for printing using the F3 "Name Scan"
key. This works in combination with the selected category (F9
Initialize) and name range (F2 Start/Stop). See the "Name Scan"
section for more information.
SETUP PRINTER: This option lets you send setup commands directly to
your printer. For example, you may want to change the font, or
change from "draft" to "letter" quality. First highlight "Setup
Printer" on the menu and press <Enter>. Next type in the specific
commands you want to send. These commands will be remembered by
the program, but for the first time you need to check your printer
manual for the specific commands required. "Escape" codes and
other "decimal" codes must be placed inside the special brackets
found on the keyboard over the "comma" (press "Shift" then "comma")
and "period" keys. For example, <27> represents the "Escape" code
for most printers.
To begin printing, just highlight the desired output on the
"Printing" menu, and press <Enter>. After the printing starts, you
can press <Esc> to suspend the printing, and then decide whether to
resume or quit printing that report.
Full Page Reports
PHONE LIST: This report will print names with home and work phone
numbers. The four reports shown under "Phone List" each add more
information to the reports shown above them. For example, "Address
+ above" shows address data as well as name and phone. The "Misc.
+ above" shows categories, salutation, and date updated, as well as
name, address and phone. The fifth report, "Dates + above" shows
all the name data, along with any date reminders that are
associated with names.
REPEATED NAMES: This report shows names that may be duplicates on
your file. It will print only those names that match on the first
17 letters of last name, the first five letters of first name, and
positions 3-5 of Zip Code.
CALENDAR (WALL): The "Calendar" report prints a monthly calendar
page showing the event Dates on your file. "Wall Calendar" prints
a "double-wide" version using two sheets of paper. Each day shows
the descriptions from your date records.
If a Category is chosen with F9 "Initialize" then only dates tied
to names in that category will print on the calendar. To print a
calendar with dates tied to just one name, use F5 "Date Name" (on
the "Printing" menu) to select the name. Only date records from
current or past years are printed (if the date "year" is in the
future, within the next 5 years, it is not printed). If the
calendar day has more descriptions than will fit in the box, the
word "More" prints at the top of the box for that day.
The first and last calendar months and the year to be printed are
shown at the top of the "Printing" menu. If the year is blank, the
current year is used. The F9 "Initialize" key changes the month
and year values. Remember to use the F8 "Setup" key to select the
correct printer before printing a calendar (Note: the calendar
prints in "compressed" format and requires a laser or dot matrix
ONLY DATES: This report lists the event date reminders on your
file. If a Category is chosen with F9 "Initialize" then only dates
tied to names in that category will print. To print the dates tied
to just one name, use F5 "Date Name" to select the name. You can
change the beginning and ending months with the F9 "Initialize"
key. The beginning and ending months can "wrap" around the end of
the year. For example, use "11" for the beginning month and "01"
for the ending month, to see a report for November, December, and
January. All dates, in the selected months, are printed if the
"Starting Year" is blank, otherwise only dates in that year are
BOOK: This selection prints an address book in a variety of sizes
and with many other options. See the "Setup" section of this
documentation for an explanation of these options. From the
"Printing" menu you can use F8 "Setup" (then choose "Address Book")
to change these book options. If you choose to print "Notes" in
your Book, then only the first two note lines from each name will
print. These "Notes" lines will be split in half, as indicated by
the "Book Size" brackets shown on the screen when names are added
or revised.
Choose "Labels" to print address labels. Use the "Setup" function
to choose the label format, the width of the label, and the number
across the printer. If you always use the same labels, you only
need to enter the "Setup" values the first time. You can also
"Setup" the label sequence to be in name or Zip order. All "Setup"
values can be revised at any time. Labels can be 1 thru 4 across
the printer, as well as regular or "compressed" size characters.
Labels printed with the "Labels" option use the standard 15/16"
high labels (1" from the top of one to the top of the next).
Line up labels for dot matrix printing by using the F3 "Label"
function key on the name list window. Just choose "Names" on the
main menu, then highlight any name and press the F3 function key to
print a mailing label. The program will ask "How many copies?"
Just press <Enter> to print 1 label. You can print up to 999
copies of a label by entering the number of copies at this point.
Envelopes/Variable Labels
The "Envelopes" and "Variable Labels" options are used to print
address information on envelopes and labels of any size. For dot
matrix printers, the envelopes and labels should be the
"continuous" type computer forms, where one is attached to the
next. To correctly position the address on the envelope or label,
you need to supply "Setup" values. The "Left Margin" sets the
number of spaces to the left of the addressee lines. The "Form
Height" is the number of lines from the top to the bottom of the
form. If a printer outputs 6 lines per vertical inch (the most
common value), a standard 4 1/6 inch high business envelope would
need a form height value of "25" (4 1/6 multiplied by 6).
See the Setup section for information about printing return
addresses on envelopes, and for other "setup" information. The F2
"Envelope" function key on the name list screen is a good way to
print addresses on one envelope at a time, and can be used to line
up the printer for printing many envelopes in one run.
Rolodex Cards
Rolodex cards can be printed in the two most common sizes. From
the Printing menu, choose either 3x5 or 2 1/6 by 4 inch cards.
Rolodex cards print the name, address, and phone numbers from your
file. The 3x5 inch card size also prints the first two lines from
the "Notes" for each name. You can also print just one Rolodex
card at a time from the name list screen. Just highlight the
desired name and press the F4 "Sm. Rolodex" key to print a 2 1/6 by
4 inch card. Hold down the "Shift" key and press F4 "Rolodx" to
print a 3 by 5 inch card.
The "Views" option is selected on the main menu. This option
provides several powerful tools for displaying your name and date
information on your monitor.
NAMES: Choose this option to see the names in a single category.
Use the F9 "Initialize" key to enter the category you wish to see,
or to change from one category to another.
DATES: This view shows the event dates that are "associated" with
a specific category. Dates are associated with a category when the
date is tied to a name, and the name is in the selected category.
For example, the "name" may be a member of a project team
(category), and this mechanism lets you see all the "due dates"
associated with the project.
ANALYZE: The "Analyze" view shows a summary of your categories,
with a count of the names in each category. Percents and bar
graphs are also displayed. Depending on which "startup" option you
choose, the "Analyze" option may have to read all the names on your
file. You can press <Esc> during this process if you don't want to
wait for all the names to be read.
SCAN NAMES: This view lets you define some "key phrases" or
characters to search for. Compound "and/or" or Boolean search
logic can be used to locate specific names. You then see a list of
all names that satisfy the search criteria. See the "Name Scan"
section for more information regarding this powerful search tool.
This option lets you export and import DOS files, create a file for
mail merge, and do various kinds of processing affecting multiple
name or date records. Because these are functions which can affect
every record on your file, be sure you understand exactly how they
work before using them. If there is any doubt about their effect,
it is a good idea to take a file backup before using them for the
first time.
The "Category" value will limit the output of names to a single
category. During "Import" the "Category" value, if not a space,
will change the incoming records to that category. Use the F9
"Initialize" key to change the category. See the "Initialize"
section for additional information.
Use the F2 "Start/Stop" option if you want to begin with a name
other than the first name normally selected, or finish before the
final name. To do this, press the F2 key to see a list of names,
then follow the directions at the bottom of the screen.
You can also select names (but not dates!) for "Utilities"
processing using the F3 "Name Scan" key. See the "Name Scan"
section for more information. You can use all three selection
methods at the same time (Category "Initialize," "Start/Stop" and
"Name Scan"), or any combination. Just remember that names must
meet all three selection criteria ("AND" logic) in order to be
Mail Merge
The "Mail Merge" selection creates an ASCII file with the name
MERGE.FIL. Each name will have five lines of name and address
information. Most names will probably have some blank lines, since
not all the fields will have data. There is an optional sixth line
for salutation, which is present if called for in the "Setup" area.
See "Setup" and the salutation section of "Names" in this
documentation, for more information regarding salutations.
Load the MERGE.FIL into your word processor to create mail merge
letters. Use the ASCII file load feature of the word processor
(for example, in WordPerfect use <Ctrl>F5 Text In/Out). You can
use your word processors "macro" capability to create any special
codes required for mail merge.
Records may be selected for "Export" based on the category (use F9
Initialize), the place in the list to begin or end (use F2
Start/Stop), and other search criteria (use F3 Name Scan). For
each selected name record, the "Export" function creates a "comma
delimited ASCII" file (also called a Data Interchange File, or
DIF). This is the most common format for exchanging data between
different programs, and should work with most other software. The
file is created with the name EXPORT.FIL.
The "Import" function loads a file of names into this program. If
a category is specified (using F9 Initialize) then the CATEGORIES
field of the imported name is replaced by that category. If no
category is specified, then the CATEGORIES field on the imported
name is kept and used in this program.
The filename for "import" is IMPORT.FIL. The data fields must be
in the following order (maximum length in parenthesis): TITLE (12),
2 (33), ADDRESS LINE 3 (33), CITY (18), STATE (2), ZIP CODE (10),
CATEGORIES (8), NOTES (254). This format is the same as the
"Export" file described above.
Change Categorys
Use this to revise one of the categories in selected name records.
To do this, first select the name records as with the other
"Utilities" functions (see above). Next highlight "Change
Categorys" and press <Enter>. Now, put the category you want to
change into the "Remove this Category" field. Next, put the new
category value into the "Add this Category" field. If "Remove this
Category" is left blank, then the "Add this Category" value is
added to the name (unless it already has eight categories). IF
"Add this Category" is left blank, then the "Remove this Category"
value is dropped.
Name Deletes
Use this function to delete all the Names in one Category. Choose
the category using the F9 "Initialize" key from the "Utilities"
menu. You can further select which names to delete with the F2
"Start/Stop" and F3 "Name Scan" keys, also from the "Utilities"
WARNING: The names will be permanently deleted from your file, so
be sure you are deleting names you no longer want. Use the "View"
Menu "Names" and "Name Scan" choices to see ahead of time which
names will be dropped for a given Category and/or set of "scan"
Once the deleting process begins, you can press the <Esc>ape key to
pause, and then decide whether or not to continue deleting names.
If names have event dates "tied" to the name records, then the
deletes are not allowed.
Add Dates
The "Add Dates" choice allows you to add repetitive "event dates"
for an entire year. For example, if you want a reminder to make
the rent payment on the 22nd of each month, or if your club meets
the third Wednesday of each month, etc. You can also block out a
range of dates, as for a vacation period.
Usually you will want these dates to be "date only" records (not
"name tied"). If you want to "tie" all the dates added at one time
to a single name, use the F5 "Date Name" key on the UTILITIES menu
before choosing "Add Dates."
When you select "Add Dates" another window appears where you can
enter the month and day to start and end your date series. These
start and end dates can cover an entire year, but they can't "wrap"
the end of the year (Dec. to Jan.).
Next choose whether these dates occur on a particular date in each
month (say, the 15th), or if they occur on a particular day of the
week (say, Wednesday). If you choose a "Day of Week" you must then
choose the type of "Repetition." This can be which week in the
month (for example, the second Tuesday of each month). You can
also choose "every week" or "every other week." If you choose "8.
Every day..." in "Day of Week" then you don't need to enter the
The rest of the "Add Dates" window is similar to an individual
"event date." The DESCRIPTION, YEAR, MASS DELETE flag, and
ADDITIONAL NOTES will appear in each "event date" record that the
program creates. The YEAR value defaults to the current year if
you leave it blank, except for "Day of Month" type dates which
remain blank if you leave it blank. The MASS DELETE value is
initially set to "Y" but you can change it if you don't want to
delete these dates using the mass "Delete Dates" function. The
ADDITIONAL NOTES area shows two lines, but as you type this will
scroll to eight lines.
Date Deletes
This process removes all the date records coded with a "Y" in the
"Mass Delete" field of the individual date records. The deleting
is further limited by the dates in the "Initialize" window. These
dates are shown on the "Utilities" menu. Use the F9 "Initialize"
key to revise the beginning and ending months for the delete
processing. If the "Starting Year" is blank, the delete will only
affect dates with a blank year. If the "Starting Year" has a
value, then only dates with that year will be deleted.
If there is a "Starting Year" value and the months "wrap around"
the end of the year, then the year is incremented beginning with
January. For example, if the starting month is "12" and the ending
month is "02" then December will use the starting year (say "89"),
while January and February will use the next year (in this case,
The mass "Date Deletes" function also uses the "Category" value
shown at the top of the window. If the "Category" is blank, then
all dates that meet the other criteria are deleted. However, when
a category is used, only dates "tied" to names in that category
will be deleted. The category can be changed using the F9
"Initialize" function key.
If you want to delete only the dates "tied" to a single name, use
the F5 "Date Name" function on the "Utilities" menu before choosing
"Date Deletes."
Phone Dialing
You can automatically dial the phone numbers kept in your name
records. Just highlight the name on the name list, and press the
F10 "Dial" function key. You can also "Dial" from the Dates update
window. Next press "H" to dial the home number, or "W" to call the
work number (Note: if only one phone number is present, the program
will begin dialing immediately).
You can use letters in your phone numbers if you wish (for example,
800 245-DISK), and the program will dial these numbers correctly.
If you stay in the "dial" window during your call, and "Escape" at
the end of your call as you hang up, the program will tell you the
"Duration" of your phone call.
To use "autodial" your computer must have a modem, and you must
supply information to the "Setup" function. See the "Setup --
Printer/Modem/ Misc" section of this documentation for more
Special Key Combinations
Use <Ctrl><End> to erase the contents of a field on an update
screen. For example, to blank out an Address line on the name
update screen, press <Ctrl><End> at the start of the Address field.
To move to the last character of a field, press <End>. To move to
the first character, press <Home>.
File Backup
For a complete backup of all your data, copy all the files with the
following extensions: .DAT, .MEM, .K01, .K02 (see BACKUP.BAT in the
"Batch Files" section of this documentation for more information).
Monitor Problems
If you have trouble seeing screen details with a laptop or
monochrome monitor, then before starting the program type MODE BW80
at the DOS prompt. On color monitors, a slight adjustment of the
"knobs" on the side or front of the display, will often clear up
certain colors and other faint information.
Screen Protection
If you don't press any keys for a period of 10 minutes, the program
will blank your display monitor. This protects your monitor from
having a pattern "burned" into the display. To see the display
again just press any key. To avoid this feature, start the program
by keying "ND V=0" and then pressing <Enter>.
Quick Lookups
If you are not using the Names & Dates program, but want to look up
something quickly (and you are using a hard drive), you can use
"type ahead" and the "fast startup" option. For example, to find
the phone number for Mr. Smith, you could key the following (all at
once) from the DOS prompt:
These commands start the program (ND<Enter>), choose the fast start
option (number zero), select "Names" on the main menu (<Enter>),
put "SMITH" into the "Find" area at the top of the names list and
search for that name (SMITH<Enter>), and finally display the detail
information for Mr. Smith (<Enter>). (Note: after you press the
<Enter> key the first time, the program will start to load, so you
won't see the rest of your keystrokes). This is quite a bit to
remember, but as you become more familiar with the program it will
become easier. Just remember it is possible to "type ahead," and
that the "fast startup" option (zero) is the best choice if you
want to look up one or two things, and then leave the program to do
something else.
Warrantee Disclaimer
WR Software makes no warrantee concerning the function or fitness
of this documentation or the corresponding programs, and shall have
no liability or responsibility to any recipient with respect to any
liability, loss, or damage, directly or indirectly arising out of
the use of the documentation and programs, including but not
limited to, any loss of business or other incidental or
consequential damages.